yesterday and today



The Message from Tamar Hovhannisyan

Andrias Ghukasyan and his supporters conceived the idea of establishing the Armenian Constructive Party when he was in jail. The main body of the party consists of the civic activists who follow the theory of civil disobedience by Henry David Thoreau.

The politicians with such a bitter experience of imprisonment united behind a single idea for the national development of Armenia and building a strong Armenian nation-state starting with the army, borders, all the sectors of the economy, culture, science and education, and it will involve not merely restoration but construction from scratch, based on the demands of the new independent state. The members of the Armenian Constructive Party are engaged in these matters.

It is a long and hard trudge that takes great devotion and perseverance. The cleanup of the political environment and the formation of civil society in conformity with international criteria, the abolition of the despicable tradition of settling old scores between politicians and eradication of taking and giving are also priorities for the founding members of the party.

I welcome the decision of the Armenian Constructive Party to participate in the next election. Let’s hope the society will properly find its bearings thus determining the destiny of our Motherland.

EconomyLet's build a sustainable economy in Armenia


Armenian Constructive PartyBackground

The Armenian Constructive Party was founded in July 2018 by the social and political activist and former political prisoner Andrias Ghukasyan who became its leader. The party’s ideology is social liberalism. The party’s predecessor was the civil movement “Arise Armenia” which from July 2015 combated for fair elections and democratic reforms in Armenia. Following the April 2018 revolution, civic activists united to establish a political party in order to participate in parliamentary elections. The party was officially registered in July 2019 when its membership reached 800 people as stipulated by law. Presently, the party has 1100 members and numerous cohorts supporting the party leader Andrias Ghukasyan.

Armenian Constructive PartyCollaboration with other political parties

The party collaborates with other political parties in the drafting of the new Constitution. Jointly with The Union for National Self-Determination (Paruyr Hayrikyan), the Democratic Motherland Party (Petros Makeyan), European Party of Armenia (Tigran Khzmalyan), Motherland and Honor Party (Garnik Margaryan), and the Conservative Party (Michael Hayrapetyan), we propose to broaden the citizens’ electoral rights. A good consensus exists among us that the three branches of power (legislative, executive and judicial) shall be elected by direct vote, while the term in office for parliamentarians shall be reduced to two years. The relevant petition and the Constitutional reform package were filed with the Constitutional reform commission on February 9, 2021.

Armenian Constructive PartyPublic administration strategy development

The party has been elaborating a socially efficient public administration strategy promoting sustainable growth of the final product in an optimal structure for the citizens, achievement of full employment, no inflation and fair distribution of income. To solve this problem, the party cooperates with the expert community and specialists experienced in working at international organizations and the graduates of such leading universities as the American University of Armenia, the French University of Armenia and the Slavic University who have achieved successful careers. With their support the party has established a team of prospective ministers ready to work in the government when the party attains the responsibilities for public administration.
© Armenian Constructive Party 2021
Armenia, Yerevan, Antarayin 188/16, 0019
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